Webinar: ICT literacy and strategic planning: Digital maturity models for organizations
Date: 10th of June 2022 (Friday)
Time: 10.00 – 14.00 Stockholm, 11.00 – 15.00 Vilnius, Tallinn
The Webinar will introduce digital maturity model built specifically for Digmus project in order to help museum professionals to strategically plan organizations’ digital skillset and understand their shortcomings. This webinar has two parts: introduction to the model with a practical workshop and a discussion to reflect the outcomings of the workshop.
Target group: all museum professionals – in management, collection management, education, curation marketing, communication, digitization etc.
Session 1: Introduction of the Model
Time: 10.00 – 11.45 Stockholm, 11.00. – 12.45 Vilnius, Tallinn
by Agu Leinfeld
During this session you will have an introduction to the digital maturity model designed with the help of Digmus project. This (digital) maturity model has been developed to help museum professionals across countries to evaluate organizational skills and understand what activities and recommendations museums need to enhance organizations digital maturity.
After the introduction participants are divided into breakout-rooms to study the model and discuss in groups. There will be moderators in each group.
Session 2: Discussion and reflections
Time: 12.00 – 13.20 Stockholm, 13:00 – 14:20 Vilnius, Tallinn
by Agu Leinfeld
During this session the moderators will give feedback from breakout room discussions and there will be reflections and questions to the groups by the model developer Agu Leinfeld.
Time: 13.30 – 14.00 Stockholm, 14:30 – 15:00 Vilnius, Tallinn
Summary and next steps
![Agu Leinfeld](https://digmus.eu/wp-content/uploads/agu-leinfeld.jpg)
Agu Leinfeld is currently a head of SenseTech Divison in Datel and CEO of a new SpaceTech startup in Estonia. Agu has been running a software development business in telecom sector and in one of the biggest custom software creation houses in Estonia. He is a Council member in Estonian IT Academy and IT College of TalTech. He is also an architect of Estonian digital identity ecosystem and has founded the IT and Development Center of the Ministry of the Interior in Estonia.